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TruckersHub Tracker Update V1.0.x

  • TruckersHub Tracker Update V1.0.0

    • Added in Game Overlay with various truck and game details on a bar.
    • Ability to change positions and select information to be displayed.
    • Added option to configure Simulation Owned trucks to personal customization from game trucks.
    • Added support to do multiple jobs while leaving others incomplete. Data will be stored for each job sperately.
    • Added Share Truck and Trailer positions option.
    • Fixed Auto Update.
    • Fixed Dispatcher Planned Distance.
    • Changed Anti AFK Kick Message to “.”
    • Added Convoy Feature option to jobs data.
    • Updated RPC to support user Custom RPC.
    • Added Job Events Game overlay (example Job started).
    • Added Load quick access Profile option to quickly load specific profile saves.
    • Fixed Simulation Trucks Odometer in game as well.
    • Added option to change Assigned Trucks configuration from a game truck.
    • Fixed Cargo Market and its jobs.
    • Fixed Game Crash while doing Simulation jobs in offline mode.
  • TruckersHub Tracker Update V1.0.1

    • Fixed Data Fetch from API
    • Fixed Client File Not Found Issue.
  • TruckersHub Tracker Update V1.0.2

    • Fixed Simulation Job Crashes in ATS.
    • Fetch User Data while tracker starts.
    • Fixed owned Truck Loader in ETS2 and ATS Simulation Job.
    • Added Rectangle Overlay Type for Game Details.
    • Fixed Minor issues in Overlay.
  • TruckersHub Tracker Update V1.0.3

    • Optimized Data Fetching from API.
    • Fixed issue with Dispatcher Jobs and Jobs Generated in ATS.
    • Added Game overlay as LocalHost URL for Streamers. (http://localhost:34970/overlay)
    • Fixed Truck Copy Config for Simulation Trucks.
    • Fixed Issues with In Game Overlay.
    • Solved Error of File not found.
  • TruckersHub Tracker Update V1.0.4

    • Fixed Speed Limit Fluctuation Issue in Game Overlay.
    • Corrected Trailer Damages even after doing save load.
    • Added Tracker Initialized Message once telemetry is connected and tracker is running.
    • Minor Bug Fixes.

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    TruckersHub Website Update V1.1.1

    Added TruckersHub Blog RSS Feed URL ( Updated Footer to contain RSS Feed Link Added new integration Events which are New VTC Blog Post, Role Created / Updated / Deleted, Member Roles Updated, Convoy Event Created / Updated / Deleted, Slot Booking Application Form Webhook. Fixed Search Bar of Statistics Page. Fixed VTC Boosts when VTC is Deleted. Fixed Event System Permissions Issue.
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    TruckersHub API Update V1.0.1

    Removed Leaderboard API Endpoint. Added Statistics API endpoint. Added more details to /me endpoint. Updated Jobs API endpoint to filter data based on Month and Year. Updated Simulation Truck Data for separate in ETS2 and ATS.

    Documentation Updated to latest -

  • 0 Votes
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    TruckersHub Gateway Update V1.0.1

    Fixed Issue with User Data sender to Client. Fixed Personal Webhook issues. Fixed issue with VTC Truck Data update. Added Simulation Job IDs to be stored separately for quicker fetches. Fixed Patreon Connection issues. Updated Job Delivered Data in discord webhook.
  • TruckersHub Sneak Peaks

    Pinned Developments
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