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Exciting News: TruckersHub Full Release Announcement and 1.0 Launch Party 🎉

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  • Exciting News: TruckersHub Full Release Announcement!

    Hello TruckersHub Community,

    We are thrilled to announce that with the release of ETS2 1.50 and ATS 1.50 by SCS, we are officially rolling out the first stable version of TruckersHub! This marks a significant milestone in our journey, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this moment with all of you.

    Our Journey So Far:

    • January 1, 2023 - We began our adventure with a Closed Beta, inviting a small group of dedicated truckers to help us shape TruckersHub.
    • January 7, 2023 - We opened our doors wider with an Open Beta, welcoming more of you to test our features and provide invaluable feedback.

    After months of hard work, testing, and improvements, we are proud to announce that as of May 19, 2024, TruckersHub is officially out of Beta and fully released as Version 1.0!

    What This Means for You:

    • Stable and Enhanced Features: Enjoy a more polished and stable experience with all the features you’ve come to love.
    • Improved Job Tracking: Our job tracking system is now more robust, providing better simulation and company financial management.
    • Utility and Tools: Access easy-to-use utilities and tools designed to enhance your trucking experience.
    • Job Dispatcher: A streamlined job dispatcher to keep you on the road with ease.
    • Live Map: Track your journeys and plan your routes with our live map feature.
    • In-Game Overlay: Access critical information without leaving the game, making your trucking experience more immersive.

    Thank You for Your Support ❤

    This release wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support and feedback from our incredible community. Your insights, suggestions, and participation in both the closed and open beta phases have been instrumental in shaping TruckersHub into the platform it is today.

    Join the Celebration: TruckersHub 1.0.0 Launch Party: Join Us Live!

    We invite you to join us in celebrating this milestone. Share your experiences, screenshots, and stories using #TruckersHubRelease on discord and TruckersHub forum. Let’s make this day memorable and showcase the amazing community we’ve built together.

    See us live on our YouTube channel on 18 May 2024 16:30 UTC for the grand unveiling of TruckersHub Stable Version 1.0!

    What’s in store:

    • 🎉 Feature Showcase: Dive into all the shiny new features we’ve been working on.
    • 🚚 Epic Community Convoy: Hit the road with us and celebrate this huge milestone together.
    • ❓ Live Q&A: Have burning questions? We’ll be there to answer them all!
    • 💬 Feedback & Suggestions: Your voice matters! Share your thoughts and ideas with us.

    Thank you once again for being part of this journey. We’re excited to continue growing and improving TruckersHub with you. Here’s to many more miles together!

    Happy trucking and see you on the road!

    Best regards,
    The TruckersHub Team

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