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TruckersHub to add Event/Convoy System!

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  • We’re considering adding an Event/Convoy System to TruckersHub, which would include event management and a chat system. We want to hear from you! Do you think this would be useful, or do you prefer sticking with the current TruckersMP events system?

    Please take a moment to vote in our poll and share your thoughts. Your feedback is crucial in helping us make the best decision for our community.


    • Adding Events / Convoys to TruckersHub.
    • VTCs / Users marking there presence.
    • Slot Booking Forms.
    • Much more to be discussed in the replies. Give your feedback.
  • InsanoDeathundefined InsanoDeath pinned this topic
  • I think it could be a very good solution internal 🙂 Instead of Discord Event Calender they can check it there.
    However, TMP will still necessary when you’ll plan a Event on their Servers, mark attendence…

  • Absolutely needed and it can be the definitive update for me to change from the other T wich has this as paid feature (idk if I can say the name… even if pretty much everyone knows about it ahahah), to TruckersHub.

  • Suggestion: since we can connect TMP VTC with TruckersHub, if possible, we should be able to publish a convoy on TruckersHUB and make it show on TMP ( automatic publication ) or viceversa, publishing on TMP and automaticaly showing it on TruckersHUB.

    Another one if possible: I don’t know if someone else does it but my VTC do like certain routes which are very nice to drive on. So it happens quite often that we make even 5 convoys on the same exact road / route. Adding a “Re-Publish” convoy which will publish the same convoy that you have done in the past without the need of set it up again. One push of a button and the old convoy is now again published for a future day.

  • It may be a necessary update for self-management of companies.

  • [23]ThunderSky i totally agree with you that this feature is very key - that’s why I suggested it. What I want to share with you is that my company left this popular platform you are talking about and also TMP because of the 128 slots in convoy mode of the game. We have put our full trust in TruckersHub and now use only this platform entirely.

  • InsanoDeathundefined InsanoDeath moved this topic from News

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